Our Website
Our special thanks and gratitude to Alison Guesdon of Pittwater Online News for the many wonderful local stories, news and content that we regularly feature on this site. She is indeed a treasured curator and commentator of the life and times of the people in offshore communities and the Northern Beaches.
A positive platform for our community
The site was created to help provide a communicative vehicle for the West Pittwater Community – to give them a strong social, political and community voice. The site also provides an educative resource and knowledge base for residents and prospective or new residents.
The nature of offshore living is quite different from onshore.
There is a steep learning curve for new residents, from transport and parking issues to building, home maintenance and even basic services, such as sewerage, telecommunications and water.
The unique natural environment of the Western Foreshore requires a more sensitive attitude towards native fauna, flora and sustainability. ie turning outside lights off at night helps to diminish the human impact on nocturnal wildlife. So there needs to be a resource where information, protocols and attitudes are documented, voiced and in some cases, debated via forums.
WPCA felt that technology would provide an additional opportunity for the community to learn, educate, communicate and develop.
Community websites, built with a focus on being a positive platform, are a chance to give everyone a voice. They also act as a library to create and store records, and to celebrate and honour what matters to us, both communally and as individuals.
Our vision is that it connects and reconnects people with people, and empowers the whole community.
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Get to know the community of West Pittwater